Water Heater Installation in Dayton, Oh
Need a New Water Heater? Call Seiter Services !
Water heaters are vital appliances to your everyday life. Not only do they provide you with a reliable supply of water at an ideal temperature for a number of normal activities, but they safely store it for when you need it to minimize the wait for this water as much as possible. Long gone are the days of filling up large pots of water and putting them over the fire to bring them up to temperature—a modern water heater does it all for you automatically. That is, until it needs to be replaced. At Seiter Services , we offer water heater replacements for your systems that have worn out due to age and a number of other factors. When the time comes to swap out your heater, our Dayton water heater installation experts will complete your replacement as soon as possible.
Do you need a new water heater? You need help from the team at Seiter Services ! Call us at (937) 507-3372 today to schedule an estimate.
Signs It’s Time for a New Water Heater
How do you know when it is time to replace your water heater? Some problems can be fixed, and repairs are often the far more affordable choice compared to completely replacing a water heater. However, repairs are not always ideal—sometimes they aren’t possible, while other times they simply aren’t economically or feasibly logical. While a professional plumber can quickly make this determination for you, there are a few key things you can look for that might tell you in advance whether a repair or a replacement is the more prudent choice.
You might need to replace your water heater if:
- Your water heater is leaking from anywhere other than a water connection point
- Your hot water has a reddish colored tint to it
- Your hot water smells or tastes metallic
- Your water heater makes loud noises every time it cycles
- Your water heater frequently runs out of hot water faster than it used to
- Your water heater is more than ten years old
Water heaters are one of the most often-used appliances in your home, and therefore they actually have one of the shortest life expectancies of any appliance you own. Under normal usage, a water heater will generally only last anywhere from eight to ten years, with some systems reaching as long as 12 years before experiencing a potentially catastrophic problem. Generally, you can anticipate or predict some serious issues with your water heater simply by looking at the manufacturer’s data label on the outside of the tank and looking for the manufacture date. If no date is listed, look at the first few characters of the serial number and check online to see what those characters say the manufacture date is (almost every brand lists the manufacture date in the first few digits of the serial number).
The Water Heater Replacement Process
Seiter Services does everything in our power to make your water heater replacement as easy and stress-free as possible. Replacing a water heater can be a real headache if you don’t know what you are doing, and it does require some additional hurdles that many people don’t realize. For example, a water heater permit almost always requires a permit from a local government office and an inspection when the job is complete. Our status as a plumbing service provider gives us the ability to pull these permits faster than an average person, and our experience means we make sure we pull the right one for your job each and every time.
We will have to shut off the water in your home during your replacement, but we try to minimize this down time as much as possible. This helps us prevent accidentally damaging or making a mess of our work area and protects the rest of your home from a potential leak. Once the replacement is finished, we configure your water heater to your ideal temperature and provide you with the information you need to maintain and safely operate your water heater going forward. If you have any other questions, we will happily answer them.
Book your water heater replacement by contacting Seiter Services today.
“We appreciate Seiter Services for their honesty, expertise and quick service.” - Elana Shanks

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